Waktu : 06.30 WIB
Papa : Dika, belajar nyanyi apa di sekolah ?
Dika : Tatuuuun ( Racuuun )
Papa : ..........Gubrak
dear dokter a****
tidak semua vaksin DPT bisa digabung begitu saja dengan Hib. Malah untuk kehati hatian sebaiknya tidak mencampur kedua jenis vaksin tersebut dalam satu spuit. Karena kan semuanya sudah dkemas dan diproses sedemikian rupa dari pabriknya.
lagipula tidak ada yang salah kok dengan imunisasi simultan.
bukannya gak boleh menggabungkan 2 vaksin berbeda dalam 1 suntikan dok?
kecuali memang sudah dibuat sebagai vaksin combo dari pabriknya sana?
Vaccine Storage and Administration
To achieve the best possible* *results from vaccines, carefully follow the recommendations for storage, handling, and administration found in each vaccine's package insert. Here are other steps you can take to help ensure vaccine safety:
· Inspect vaccines upon delivery and monitor refrigerator and freezer temperatures to assure maintenance of the cold chain.
· Rotate vaccine stock so the oldest vaccines are used first.
· Never administer a vaccine later than the expiration date.
· Administer vaccines within the prescribed time periods following reconstitution.
· Wait to draw vaccines into syringes until immediately prior to administration.
· Never mix vaccines in the same syringe unless they are specifically approved for mixing by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
· Record vaccine and administration information, including lot numbers and injection sites, in the patient's record.
· If errors in vaccine storage and administration occur, take corrective action immediately to prevent them from happening again and notify public health authorities.
When administrating multiple vaccines, NEVER mix vaccine in the same syringe
unless approved for mixing by FDA. If more than one vaccine must be
administrated in the same limb, the injection sites should be separated by
1-2 inches, so thay any local reactions can be differentianted.
mmm... kalau gini, analogi-nya mirip sama puyer dong? :(
obat yang udah dicampur dari pabrik, kan beda dg puyer yang dibuat di apotik.
barusan coba googling, dan dapet statement dr medscape, katanya gak boleh...
Mixing Infanrix With Hiberix
Many pediatricians administer *Infanrix* with *Hiberix* by injecting the * Infanrix* vaccine into the *Hiberix* vial before administration. Does this change the efficacy of the vaccines from their separate administrations?
* Response from Russell W. Steele, MD, FAAP * Professor and Vice-Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, and Division Head, Clinical Department of Infectious Diseases, Children's Hospital, New Orleans,
The practice of simply taking vaccines and mixing them together in the same syringe should never, ever be done. Such a practice is likely to result in a significant reduction in protection of children who receive vaccines in this fashion and may result in unusual adverse reactions. Such a combined product must be carefully studied prior to supporting such a practice.
dan juga dari web resmi si produsen kedua vaksin....
Q: * Are there special requirements for administering INFANRIX?*
A: INFANRIX should be administered by intramuscular injection. It should not be administered in the gluteal region; such injections may result in suboptimal response. The vaccine must be shaken vigorously to obtain a homogeneous, turbid, white suspension. Do not use if resuspension does not occur with vigorous shaking. INFANRIX should not be mixed with any other vaccine in the same syringe or vial. Immunosuppressive therapies, including irradiation, antimetabolites, alkylating agents, cytotoxic drugs, and corticosteroids (used in greater than physiologic doses), may reduce the immune response to vaccines.
2008/8/27 a******o
Samsul and all
thanks atas pertanyaannya supaya lebih jelas kan ya
intinya .. semua vaksin tunggal TIDAK boleh digabung oleh dokter/bidan/perawat
Beberapa contoh vaksin tunggal (aduh banyak euyy... apa perlu ya hehehe Intinya minta brosur dan kotak vaksin sebelum anak disuntik dan tolak pencampuran vaksin)
Contoh: hep B (Engerix B, Euvax B, hep B nya biofarma); DPT (DPT biofarma, DaPT dalam merek Infanrix), HiB (Hiberix, Act HiB) dst dst
Jadi .. sebelum disuntik bawa catatan diskusi
1. tanyakan apakah vaksin yang akan diberikan vaksin kombinasi atau tunggal
2. Minta brosur dan kotaknya sebelum disuntik
itu dulu ya